Guinea Pig Eye Swelling

Guinea pig eye problems

Trip to the exotic vets for an eye check up

Guinea pigs are a popular choice as pets due to their adorable appearance and gentle nature. However, like all animals, guinea pigs are susceptible to various health problems, including eye swelling, upper respiratory infections and tooth problems. For this reason, it's important that your guinea has regular health checks.

How to Notice an Eye Infection in Guinea Pigs

Eye swelling in guinea pigs can occur due to several reasons. It could be an indication of an underlying health problem that needs immediate attention from a veterinarian. There are several signs to look out for which will help to highlight the problem.

When you spend time with your guinea pigs, make sure you monitor for crusty eyes, watery eyes or sore eyes. other symptoms may occur if your guinea pig is feeling discomfort too.

It's important that you take your guinea pig for a check up at an exotics vet if you see any odd behaviour or cloudy discharge from the eyes.

Guinea Pig Eye Infections

One of the most common causes of eye swelling in guinea pigs is an eye infection. Bacterial infection, viral, or fungal infections can cause inflammation and swelling in the guinea pig's eye, leading to discomfort and pain.

Other signs of eye infections include discharge from the eye, redness, a cloudy eye or crusting around the eye.

upper respiratory infection

Guinea pig with fatty eye


Allergies can also cause eye swelling in guinea pigs. An allergic reaction can occur due to exposure to dust, pollen, or any other environmental irritants. Signs of an allergic reaction include swelling of the eyes, cloudy eyes, sneezing, and difficulty breathing.

Foreign Objects

Another possible cause of eye discharge and swelling in guinea pigs is a foreign object in the eye. A piece of hay or bedding material can get lodged in the eye (often called hay poke), causing irritation and swelling.

In these cases your guinea pig may change their grooming process in an attempt to get the object out themselves. In severe cases, this can lead to an infection. If you can see the object yourself, you may be able to ease it out with a clean cloth and some warm water.

Eye drops can be purchased online to reduce the inflammation if you get to it right away. However, if you aren't able to get to the object, go to the vet immediately, as they will have more professional tools to wash out your guinea pig's eyes and avoid a more serious issue.

Dental Issues in Guinea Pigs

In some instances, dental problems can lead to eye swelling in guinea pigs. Dental issues such as overgrown teeth or abscesses can cause pressure on guinea pig's eyes, leading to swelling and discomfort.

This can also cause watery eyes, poor circulation, ulcerated eyes and eventually, long-term eye injury.

Your vet may be able to file the teeth down to prevent further eye problems or may need to place a tear duct stent to direct the roots of the teeth in another direction, avoiding conjunctival swelling.

guinea pigs eye swollen

Guinea pig with swollen eye

What to Do if My Guinea Pig's Eyes Are Swollen

If you notice any signs of eye swelling in your guinea pig, it is essential to seek veterinary care immediately.

Delaying treatment and having the issue left untreated can lead to more severe underlying health issues, irritation, bacteria growth, cataracts, infections and even blindness.

The first step in treating eye swelling in guinea pigs is to identify the underlying cause based on the symptoms.

Your veterinarian will perform a thorough examination and may run diagnostic tests such as eye cultures or blood work to determine the root cause of the swelling.

What Happens Next?

If the cause of the eye swelling in your guinea pig is an infection, your veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics designed specifically to treat underlying eye infections.

If the swelling is due to an allergic reaction, antihistamines may be prescribed to reduce the swelling in the conjunctival sac and relieve discomfort.

In cases where a foreign object is lodged in the eye, your veterinarian may need to remove it. This is can be done under anaesthesia to avoid causing further damage to the eye. But there are a range of treatment options for aftercare depending on how much damage has been done.

For dental problems that are causing eye swelling, your vet will need to address the underlying dental issues. This may involve trimming overgrown teeth or performing dental surgery to remove abscesses or a corneal ulcer.

guinea pig eyes with corneal ulcer

In addition to medical treatment from your vet, there are steps you can take at home to help your guinea pig recover from eye swelling.

  • Ensure that your guinea pig's cage is clean and free of any irritants such as dust or mould.

  • You may also need to adjust your guinea pig's diet to ensure that they are getting the proper nutrients to support their immune system.

  • Try to feed your guinea pig from the floor rather than having hanging racks of hay. Dust and pieces of hay can fall from above while they eat causing irritation and a dry eye if they have their eyes open while eating - This issue is actually pretty common.

Is it Serious?

In conclusion, eye swelling in guinea pigs can be a sign of an underlying health problem and should be taken seriously as it can cause severe pain and discomfort.

Surprisingly, eye infections can even lead to hair loss, weight loss, lethargy and a loss of appetite if you don't treat them properly.

If you notice any signs of eye swelling in your guinea pig, seek veterinary care immediately.

With proper diagnosis and the correct treatment, most cases of eye swelling can be successfully treated, and your guinea pig can make a full recovery.



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